Thanks to funding primarily from the National Lottery Community Fund, Roystonhill Community Hub, owned and managed by Spire View Housing Association, is here for the betterment of the Royston community and beyond.
Services Provided at the Roystonhill Community Hub
Financial Capability Officer
Maureen is focused on helping you make the most of your money and maximising your income.
Contact your housing officer to make an appointment.
Spire View - 0141 552 7928
Welfare Rights Advisor
Matthew is the Welfare Rights Advisors from GEMAP and is available through appointment on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Contact your housing officer to make an appointment.
Spire View - 0141 552 7928
Tenancy Sustainment Officer
Tracey can give you access to specialist services and offer vital support that can prevent homelessness.
Contact your housing officer for a referral.
Spire View - 0141 552 7928
Royston Community Pantry
Royston Community Pantry was created by North Glasgow Community Food Initiative and is made up of donations and volunteers, it was created to provide affordable food for the people in the community.
A membership costs £3.50 and members can attend once a week and get around £20-£25's worth of shopping for £3.50
Volunteer with us!
Roystonhill Community Hub is always looking for new faces to get involved in the different activities we hold here at the Hub on the Hill.
Contact the Volunteer Coordinator or Volunteer Assistant to get involved:
Volunteer Coordinator Angie Fraser
Royal National Institute for Deaf People

Hearing Loss Support:
Get a free hearing test/ hearing aids batteries/
retubing or general support and advice on
hearing loss.
Social Club for Senior Citizens Young at Heart
If you have Bus Pass but you still Young at Heart come along to our Social club for senior adults!
It is a great opportunity to step out of the house, see some friends, make some new ones or just have a lovely wee day out - plus sometimes there are even wee trips away!
Scottish Action for Mental Health
Step Up Glasgow
Step Up Glasgow is an employability service that helps you learn new skills, build confidence and support your wellbeing, while working towards work, education training or volunteering.
Based in the hub every Thursday from 10am - 2pm
If you think this is something that would help you, please come along to the hub or give us a call on 0141 212 7386 and we can put you in touch with the support worker, Aga.
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
CBT is a highly structured form of psychotherapy that focuses on the relationship between a person's thoughts, feelings and behaviour.
A talking therapy, CBT can help you manage your problems by changing the way you think and behave.
A therapist will work closely with a you to identify these thoughts and develop strategies and practical skills to challenge and modify negative thought patterns.
Here at the Hub we offer free CBT sessions every Wednesday from 2pm - 3pm. ​
We also offer weekly sessions.​
Give us a call on 0141 212 7386 to book a session with Rebecca.