Thanks to funding primarily from the National Lottery Community Fund, Roystonhill Community Hub, owned and managed by Spire View Housing Association, is here for the betterment of the Royston community and beyond.

Roystonhill Community Center
Energy Advice

Royston Community Energy Project closure.
After two years of supporting the Royston community by providing energy advice and advocacy, we are sad to announce that the project is coming to an end in October 2024. We have pulled out all the stops to secure further funding but unfortunately, we have been unsuccessful.
Since the project began in November 2022, our energy team has been working very hard, firstly to establish and then develop a service which responded to and met our community’s needs. We ran weekly drop-in sessions in three different locations in Royston, supported people through arranged office meetings as well as home visits, phone calls and emails. We carried out home energy efficiency audits and small measures installs, delivered energy awareness workshops to children and young people at St Roch’s Primary and Deaf School and Royston Community Action, and we participated in many community events. Through our energy volunteer scheme, we worked with the Bridges Programme to recruit some of our volunteers. We trained four exceptional individuals who gained their City & Guild qualifications as well as work experience. In financial terms, the total gains - from refunds, goodwill payments, guaranteed standards payments, debt write offs, energy grants and crisis payments – of £126,000 benefited Royston households because of the energy advice and advocacy provided by the project.
Going forward, we would advise anyone who needs support with energy-related issues to contact their supplier first but if this proves ineffective or getting through to them impossible, contact:
EnergyAdvice.Scot ​
who provides free, practical advice and information on energy-related matters to the citizens of Scotland (enquiries relating to your supplier no matter how complex, understanding your energy supplier’s complaints process, experiencing any problems with your energy bills.)
They can be contacted on 0808 196 8660 (Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm) or online
​In addition,
​ Home Energy Scotland ​
offers free and impartial energy efficiency advice to householders across Scotland. Advisors can direct you to grants and other support that you might be eligible for and can provide advice on being energy efficient.
Their phone line is 0808 808 2282 (Monday to Friday 8am to 8pm, Saturdays and bank holidays 9am to 5pm) or online:
​With this in mind we would also like to advise that we still have our amazing Money Advisor Matthew Horsley and Financial Capability Officer Maureen McGowan who are both based at the Hub and ready to assist you with all money related matters. To make an appointment please call 0141 552 7928.

Latest News and Updates
Warm Home Discount is now opening across the country, our energy advisors can let you know if you are eligible and help you apply.
To find out more call 0141 212 7386
October Summary
In October, the energy team supported 58 individual households and held 13 drop-ins.
Helpful Energy Advice
Martin Lewis: Energy Saving Tips
Martin Lewis: Energy Mythbusting
Energy Saving Trust: Quick tips to save energy.
Spire View Housing Association in partnership with Blochairn Housing Association have a brand new Energy Advisor and Energy Assistants to deliver the Royston Community Energy Project which aims to reduce poverty through embedding energy efficiency advice, support and advocacy within wider community support services.
The post was made available through funding from the Energy Industry Voluntary Redress Scheme and is funded until 31st August 2024.